Ankle Instability


Ankle Instability

Ankle instability occurs when the ligaments that support the ankle joint are stretched or torn, causing a persistent feeling of weakness and giving way. This instability can arise from a single major sprain that does not heal properly or from repeated sprains over time. Rolling the ankle once can be a painful experience, but for some, the instability persists and leads to chronic ankle instability. This condition can significantly affect your life and daily activities

Symptoms of Ankle Instability

The main symptom of chronic ankle instability is: 

What are the Causes?

Predisposing factors / People at risk

Diagnosis of Chronic Ankle Instability

If you suspect chronic ankle instability, consulting a healthcare professional is essential for a proper diagnosis. Probably:

  1. Discuss your medical history and symptoms, including the frequency and severity of ankle sprains.
  2. Perform a physical exam, evaluating your range of motion, joint laxity, and tenderness.
  3. In some cases, imaging tests such as X-rays or MRIs may be used to rule out other possible causes of ankle pain or instability, such as fractures or cartilage damage.

Treatment Options for Chronic Ankle Instability

Fortunately, chronic ankle instability is usually manageable with a combination of treatment approaches

Conservative Measures:

  • Strengthen the muscles surrounding the ankle joint, improving stability and support. 
  • Improve flexibility and range of motion in the ankle joint. 
  • Improve proprioception, your body’s awareness of joint position and movement, crucial for balance and stability. 
Exported graphic image

Spine - Neck

Shoulder & Elbow

Spine — Back

Wrist & Hand

Knee Pain

Ankle Pain

Foot Pain

Feeling Aches And Pains?

Book a consultation with us for a more comprehensive diagnosis and a personalised treatment plan best suited to your needs.

Exported graphic image

Spine - Neck

Shoulder & Elbow

Spine — Back

Wrist & Hand


